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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Fire Damage Blog Posts

SERVPRO for Fire and Resulting Water Damage

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Whether it is a residential fire, or a commercial fire, either can be devastating. A family can be displaced, and a commercial fire can shut down a business, and potentially leave employees without a job. At SERVPRO® we understand how hard it can be to suddenly not be in your own home, or the stress that comes with a business having to close for repairs if necessary.  

Unfortunately, when there is fire damage, there is also water, and smoke damage. Each will have to be addressed differently to be properly repaired. Our expertise, and experience allows us to inspect, and accurately assess the extent of the damage to formulate the best plan to get you back into your home, or your business back up and running. “Like it never even happened.”

Take Action Against Potential Home Fires | SERVPRO® of Indian Land, Cherokee, Union, and Chester Counties

5/19/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”fire” alt = " stainless steel pan on a gas stove engulfed in flames” > House fires are devastating. Call SERVPRO of Indian Land, Cherokee, Union, and Chester Counties to help so you can focus on what matters most.

No one wants to think about suffering from a house fire. It is perhaps one of the most stressful experiences to endure as a homeowner.

Thankfully, most house fires are preventable as long as you are attentive to your home and do your best to keep it clean and well-maintained. We explain a few locations around your home that can easily be the source of a house fire below, so read on to learn more.

Be Responsible in Your Kitchen

The majority of home fires start in the kitchen due to accidents or negligence. Unwanted fires can start anywhere there is a heat source or open flame, so it is important that you remain present in the kitchen whenever you are cooking.

Walking away for even a minute can be all the time a rogue spark or flame needs to catch a wooden spoon or towel on fire. After two minutes, your entire kitchen could be engulfed in flame and smoke. Try to keep anything combustible far away from your cooking and avoid wearing loose clothing in the kitchen.

Don’t Add Fuel to the Fire

Anything flammable in your home has the ability to add fuel to a house fire. While you can’t make your entire home fire-resistant, there are things you can do to reduce your risk.

Ensure your garage doesn’t have any leaky gas or chemical cans seeping onto your concrete, and check all gas lines leading to and from your home, outdoor equipment and propane tanks.

You should also get into the habit of cleaning your air vents regularly. A clogged HVAC air duct or lint trap in your dryer can cause an equipment malfunction and spark a fire. Lint and dust buildup are incredibly flammable, so clean these areas regularly to remove this massive fire hazard.

Prepare Your Home

Even with the best intentions, house fires can start unexpectedly and can quickly get out of control. The best way to stay safe is to be alerted as soon as the problem is occurring so you can quickly take action.

You should be testing your smoke detectors regularly and replacing batteries as needed. After 10 years of use, you should be replacing your detectors completely. The majority of home fire deaths occur in homes or businesses without working fire alarms.

You should also take the time to create a fire escape plan with your family. Every member of your household should know how to get out of each room in your home and head outside quickly and efficiently. Try to go over this seasonally and ensure your children understand.

All of this works together to make sure your family stays safe in a fire emergency. After all, your health and safety is the most important thing! When the fire is out, call SERVPRO of Indian Land, Cherokee, Union, and Chester Counties. Our fire damage restoration team has the knowledge and resources you need for a full recovery.

If you suffer from a house fire, we are here for you. Contact us right away at SERVPRO of Indian Land, Cherokee, Union, and Chester Counties.

Prevent Residential House Fires

5/3/2023 (Permalink)

Residential fires can be caused by a variety of factors, including human error, electrical malfunctions, cooking accidents, heating equipment, smoking materials, and flammable liquids. Here are some ways you can prevent fires in your home:

  1. Install smoke detectors: Smoke detectors are the best way to detect fires in your home. Make sure you have one on every level of your home, and test them regularly to ensure they are functioning properly.

  2. Keep your cooking area clean: Cooking fires are a common cause of residential fires. Keep your stovetop and oven clean, and never leave cooking food unattended.

  3. Use electrical appliances safely: Avoid overloading outlets, and do not use damaged or frayed electrical cords. Unplug appliances when they are not in use.

  4. Keep flammable materials away from heat sources: Do not store flammable materials such as gasoline, propane, or cleaning fluids near heaters, furnaces, or other heat sources.

  5. Practice safe smoking habits: If you smoke, make sure to dispose of cigarettes and other smoking materials properly. Do not smoke in bed or near flammable materials.

  6. Use caution with candles: Candles can be a fire hazard. Keep them away from curtains and other flammable materials, and never leave them burning unattended.

  7. Have a fire escape plan: Make sure everyone in your home knows how to escape in case of a fire. Practice the plan regularly, and make sure your smoke detectors are functioning properly.

With Fire Damage Comes Water, and Smoke Damage and SERVPRO® Is Here To Help

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

24/7 SERVPRO® is ready to assist with fire damage in your home, or business.

Smoke, and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various areas within your home or business, causing hidden damage and odor. Contents no matter how small can also be affected. Our smoke damage expertise, and experience allow us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a plan of action.

We work with all insurance companies and understand their requirements for claims processing.  We can help with any size disaster.

Fires, both residential and commercial, can be devastating.  Some of us have experienced this personally.  We understand the major inconvenience these disasters, small or large can cause to a family, or business.  We strive to make it "Like it never even happened," in all situations and help get a family back to normal living conditions or, a business back to full operation as quickly as possible.

SERVPRO® Understands The Importance of Time Matters

7/26/2022 (Permalink)

When it comes to protecting your home, and contents Time Matters.

Fires, both residential and commercial, can be devastating.  Some of us have experienced this personally.  We understand the major inconvenience  these disasters, small or large, can cause to a family or business.  We strive to make it like never even happened in all situations, and help get a family back to normal living conditions or a business back to full operations as quickly as possible.

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various areas within your home or business, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a plan of action.

We work with all insurance companies and understand their requirements for claims processing.  We can help with any size disaster. We will get you back to "Like it never even happened." 

Call us 24/7 for assistance

803-581-1570 or 864-490-3954

SERVPRO® Response Time Is Key To Your Fire Damage

7/13/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is quick to respond and understands the importance of Quickness Is Key to cutting down on further Damage.

Fires, both residential and commercial, can be devastating.  Some of us have experienced this personally.  We understand the major inconvenience these disasters, small or large can cause to a family, or business.  We strive to make it "Like it never even happened," in all situations and help get a family back to normal living conditions or, a business back to full operation as quickly as possible.

Smoke, and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various areas within your home or business, causing hidden damage and odor. Contents no matter how small can also be affected. Our smoke damage expertise, and experience allow us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a plan of action.

We work with all insurance companies and understand their requirements for claims processing.  We can help with any size disaster.

SERVPRO is available 24/7 to assist you with your needs so we can get you back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Responds To Unattended Stove Fire

6/29/2022 (Permalink)

Don't leave your stove unattended. Life happens, and when it does, Call SERVPRO®,

SERVPRO has been called several times for kitchen fires that could have been avoided had the source been attended. It is so easy to set a pot on the stove only to leave the kitchen and get sidetracked with yet another distraction. In the blink of an eye your home can be enveloped by fire. You could be displaced from your home, belongs lost, treasured pictures, memories in the form of heirlooms, and daily needed articles damaged, or permanently destroyed. And yes, if we are going to be real here, the ultimate loss would be loss of life.

SERVPRO cares, and to help you avoid a kitchen fire, I have listed below key elements that are fire-related hazards in a kitchen. Happy and safe cooking from all of us at SERVPRO.

Fire-related hazards in a kitchen include:

  • Flames, sparks and hot gases from food preparation can ignite residues in exhaust ducts.
  • Food preparation equipment left without supervision during operation.
  • Failure to switch-off equipment, especially at the end of activity.
  • Overheated oils that can lead to spontaneous combustion.
  • Food preparation equipment based on solid fuels. 
  • Gas blowtorches used for browning some foods.
  • Poorly operating thermostats or lack of thermostat or fault-detecting equipment
  • Faulty or overheating electrical equipment.
  • Metal exhaust flues that conduct heat and ignite nearby material, or debris.
  • Ovens without igniters/pilot lights (lit with burning pieces of paper).

SERVPRO® Is Your Resource For Fire And Water Damage

6/1/2022 (Permalink)

Always use caution with heaters, and electric plug in's . When you find yourself dealing with fire, or water damage call SERVPRO.

Whether it is a residential fire, or a commercial fire, either can be devastating. A family can be displaced, and a commercial fire can shut down a business, and potentially leave employees without a job. At SERVPRO® we understand how hard it can be to suddenly not be in your own home, or the stress that comes with a business having to close for repairs if necessary.  

Unfortunately, when there is fire damage, there is also water, and smoke damage. Each will have to be addressed differently to be properly repaired. Our expertise, and experience allows us to inspect, and accurately assess the extent of the damage to formulate the best plan to get you back into your home, or your business back up and running. “Like it never even happened.”

Unattended Stove Is Cause Of Fire In Chester

1/4/2022 (Permalink)

Leaving a stove unattended can be the cause of major fire and smoke damage to your home or business.

SERVPRO has been called several times for kitchen fires that could have been avoided had the source been attended. It is so easy to set a pot on the stove only to leave the kitchen and get sidetracked with yet another distraction. In the blink of an eye your home can be enveloped by fire. You could be displaced from your home, belongs lost, treasured pictures, memories in the form of heirlooms, and daily needed articles damaged, or permanently destroyed. And yes, if we are going to be real here, the ultimate loss would be loss of life.

SERVPRO cares, and to help you avoid a kitchen fire, I have listed below key elements that are fire-related hazards in a kitchen. Happy and safe cooking from all of us at SERVPRO.

Fire-related hazards in a kitchen include:

  • Flames, sparks and hot gases from food preparation can ignite residues in exhaust ducts.
  • Food preparation equipment left without supervision during operation.
  • Failure to switch-off equipment, especially at the end of activity.
  • Overheated oils that can lead to spontaneous combustion.
  • Food preparation equipment based on solid fuels. 
  • Gas blowtorches used for browning some foods.
  • Poorly operating thermostats or lack of thermostat or fault-detecting equipment
  • Faulty or overheating electrical equipment.
  • Metal exhaust flues that conduct heat and ignite nearby material, or debris.
  • Ovens without igniters/pilot lights (lit with burning pieces of paper).

When faced with Fire or Smoke Damage your number one resource is SERVPRO.  SERVPRO will get you back to "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Is Ready To Respond When You Face A Thanksgiving Fire

11/17/2021 (Permalink)

Thanksgiving is the peak day of the year for fires.

Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day, the day before Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas Eve.In 2018, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 1,630 home cooking fires on Thanksgiving, the peak day for such fires.Unattended cooking was by far the leading contributing factor in cooking fires and fire deaths.Cooking caused almost half of all reported home fires and home fire injuries, and it is the second leading cause of home fire deaths in 2014-2018.Source: NFPA's Home Cooking Fires and Home Structure Fires reports.When dealing with fire damage SERVPRO is your number one resource to get you back to "Like it never even happened."  SERVPRO is available 24/7 and is Faster To Any Disaster.

SERVPRO Documents All Contents Whether Salvageable Or Unsalvageable

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO provides a contents pack out after a fire in a home. Everything is documented, the unsalvageable items are also documented, and inventoried.

Once a fire has been extinguished, and a water remediation is in process, it is important to begin addressing contents that have been exposed to fire, smoke, soot, and water.  Everything is checked individually, and determined as to whether it is salvageable, or unsalvageable.  Every object is inventoried, and if unsalvageable is recorded and readied for the Insurance Adjuster to examine for loss purposes.

Anything that is deemed salvageable is boxed up and brought to the SERVPRO Warehouse to be cleaned by the Contents Crew.  Depending on the level of heat objects are exposed to during the fire will help determine if it is salvageable as the integrity can become compromised. When the SERVPRO Contents Crew comes across an object that has been compromised it too will be inventoried and placed separate from the salvageable contents.

At SERVPRO we want you back to “Like it never even happened.”

When Facing Fire and Soot Damage Call SERVPRO We Are Here To Help

8/2/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's highly trained technicians are available 24/7 to assist with fire damage in your home, or business.

Smoke, and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various areas within your home or business, causing hidden damage and odor. Contents no matter how small can also be affected. Our smoke damage expertise, and experience allow us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a plan of action.

We work with all insurance companies and understand their requirements for claims processing.  We can help with any size disaster.

Fires, both residential and commercial, can be devastating.  Some of us have experienced this personally.  We understand the major inconvenience these disasters, small or large can cause to a family, or business.  We strive to make it "Like it never even happened," in all situations and help get a family back to normal living conditions or, a business back to full operation as quickly as possible.

SERVPRO is available 24/7 to assist you with your needs.

Call SERVPRO If You Are Dealing With Fire Damage

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is quick to respond and understands the importance of Quickness Is Key to cutting down on further Damage.

Fires, both residential and commercial, can be devastating.  Some of us have experienced this personally.  We understand the major inconvenience these disasters, small or large can cause to a family, or business.  We strive to make it "Like it never even happened," in all situations and help get a family back to normal living conditions or, a business back to full operation as quickly as possible.

Smoke, and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various areas within your home or business, causing hidden damage and odor. Contents no matter how small can also be affected. Our smoke damage expertise, and experience allow us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a plan of action.

We work with all insurance companies and understand their requirements for claims processing.  We can help with any size disaster.

SERVPRO is available 24/7 to assist you with your needs so we can get you back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Technicians Are Highly Trained To Get You Back To "Like it never even happened."

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO technicians are IICRC and prepared to get you back to "Like it never even happened."

When the fire department arrives their main focus is on putting out the fire to help keep the fire from progressing causing more damage.  Fire fighters will come in and out of your home or business. Besides the fire damage you will now also be dealing with water damage, and if that isn't enough you will also have smoke, and soot damage. The fire damage, water damage, smoke damage, and soot will be dealt with by SERVPRO. SERVPRO will come in and access the damage, and address each issue as deemed in their protocol.  A Water Mitigation will be performed, all damaged contents from the fire will be inventoried for you, and your insurance company. The smoke leaves soot on the walls, floors, and your contents.  Will also pack up contents for cleaning and these items will also have an inventory compiled for documentation. Demolition  will be performed by SERVPRO and all the debris removed.  With all this completed SERVPRO  performs an Odor Removal. We are committed to getting you back to "Like it never even happened."

Space Heater Causes Major Fire Damage To Rock Hill Residence

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

A space heater improperly maintained, or placed can cause devastating fire damage to a home or business

Whether it is a residential fire, or a commercial fire, either can be devastating. A family can be displaced, and a commercial fire can shut down a business, and potentially leave employees without a job. At SERVPRO we understand how hard it can be to suddenly not be in your own home, or the stress that comes with a business having to close for repairs if necessary.  

Unfortunately, when there is fire damage, there is also water, and smoke damage. Each will have to be addressed differently to be properly repaired. Our expertise, and experience allows us to inspect, and accurately assess the extent of the damage to formulate the best plan to get you back into your home, or your business back up and running. “Like it never even happened.”

After a School Fire SERVPRO Provided a Contents Pack Out

10/20/2020 (Permalink)

After Fire Damage SERVPRO brings in a Contents Crew to provide a Pack Out.

Once a fire has been extinguished, and a water remediation is in process, it is important to begin addressing contents that have been exposed to fire, smoke, soot, and water.  Everything is checked individually, and determined as to whether it is salvageable, or unsalvageable.  Every object is inventoried, and if unsalvageable is recorded and readied for the Insurance Adjuster to examine for loss purposes.

Anything that is deemed salvageable is boxed up and brought to the SERVPRO Warehouse to be cleaned by the Contents Crew.  Depending on the level of heat objects are exposed to during the fire will help determine if it is salvageable as the integrity can become compromised. When the SERVPRO Contents Crew comes across an object that has been compromised it too will be inventoried and placed separate from the salvageable contents.

At SERVPRO we want you back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO is Prepared to Handle Your Residential or Commercial Fire

6/29/2020 (Permalink)

With a fire comes smoke which will leave a coating of soot

Whether it is a residential fire, or a commercial fire, either can be devastating. A family can be displaced, and a commercial fire can shut down a business, and potentially leave employees without a job. At SERVPRO we understand how hard it can be to suddenly not be in your own home, or the stress that comes with a business having to close for repairs if necessary.  

Unfortunately, when there is fire damage, there is also water, and smoke damage. Each will have to be addressed differently to be properly repaired. Our expertise, and experience allows us to inspect, and accurately assess the extent of the damage to formulate the best plan to get you back into your home, or your business back up and running. “Like it never even happened.”

(Cherokee,Chester,Fairfield,and Union counties) Smoke and Soot Cleanup

4/5/2018 (Permalink)

Ready to Roll

Fires, both residential and commercial, can be devastating.  Some of us have experienced this personally.  We understand the major inconvenience  these disasters, small or large, can cause to a family or business.  We strive to make it like never even happened in all situations, and help get a family back to normal living conditions or a business back to full operations as quickly as possible.

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various areas within your home or business, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a plan of action.

We work with all insurance companies and understand their requirements for claims processing.  We can help with any size disaster.

Call us 24/7 for assistance

803-581-1570 or 864-490-3954